647-390-7337 info@vivelife.ca
My name is Veronique Schaljo
I am woman, and I am strong
I am a goof who makes jokes when uncomfortable
I am an open book but I have my secrets
I am a wife and I am a mother
I am a sister and a daughter
I am curious and I like to seek answers
I am forever a student and I am an educator 

I am a holistic nutritionist
I believe in living a life of authenticity
I believe that you can achieve your goals
I believe in the innate power of the human body
I believe that health comes from the inside out
I believe that with hard work and perseverance we can all achieve a state of wellness

I am here to be a guiding hand
I am here to support you
I am here to answer your questions
And I am here to see you flourish

I look forward to connecting with you!

What Does Live Blood Analysis Tell You?

What Does Live Blood Analysis Tell You?

Live blood analysis tells a story, similar in the way symptoms do. Symptoms are our bodies way of communicating its needs with us. Typically, they appear once the body has been in a state of imbalance for a period of time and it's finally had enough so it's showing...

5 Tips on How to Stick to a New Diet

5 Tips on How to Stick to a New Diet

You are looking to start and stick to a diet but you don’t know where to start, or you’re scared you’ll fail... I hear you, it can be very overwhelming and with new diets, a lot of guilt can come creeping up especially if we slip from time to time. Let’s dive a little...

Planning for Pregnancy: What you should do

Planning for Pregnancy: What you should do

Congratulations, you're one step closer to meeting your new baby. The first step involved in making a baby is conceiving the idea of bringing that new life into this world. If you're reading this, I suspect that you're in the phase where you're currently thinking...