Lighten up your days, lessen your load, find balance and joy through the month by balancing your hormones! Natural hormone balancing is possible when nutrition, lifestyle changes and supplementation are used together correctly.
Things are done a little bit differently when you’re working with a small, local business like vive life
We take the time to get to know your wants and needs with a detailed intake and personable care throughout.
We communicate regularly to help keep you on track, help keep you motivated and help keep you accountable.
We take the time to understand your hormone status, where support is needed and make sustainable changes.
What’s Involved In The Hormone Balancing Protocol?
Nutritious Diet to Support Healthy Hormones
Balanced Movement to Balance Hormones
Supplements to Support Hormones
Supporting Hormones by Reducing Toxicity
Cycle Literacy – Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle
Stress Management for Hormone Support
Lifestyle Foundations for Healthy Hormones
Happy Hormone Education

Nutritious Diet To Support Healthy Hormones
We know that hormones are made of cholesterol and that cholesterol requires fat to be made, fat and other components like protein, vitamins and minerals. We get the nutrients we need through the foods we eat, which is why we dive into how to eat a nutritious diet to support healthy hormones, help keep them balanced or bring them back into a state of homeostasis (balance). Hormones are needed to control things like blood sugar, hunger, for growth, repair and for reproduction. |

Balanced Movement to Balance Hormones
We are programmed to change the way we eat and move throughout the month as our hormones change with our menstrual cycle. We are ever changing beings and taking the time to honor that is a game changer. We will dive into how our hormones, mood, energy levels and movement requirements can be affected and what you can do to support yourself throughout your menses |

Supplements to Support Hormones
We will assess the past and current state of your hormones. Where imbalances are seen, supplementation may be included to help bring you back into balance. There are many routes to take when dealing with things like endometriosis, PCOS, severe or mild PMS, cramping, heavy bleeding and so much more. You are not alone on this journey, and there are answers to your many questions and concerns. |

Supporting Hormones by Reducing Toxicity
We live a world that exposes us to many different types of toxins daily, toxins that can cause hormonal imbalances. Identifying which ones may be present in our lives and finding ways to reduce or remove them is an integral part of balancing out our hormones so we can feel good all month long. This information will be shared and discussed in great detail to help get you back on track. |

Cycle Literacy - Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle
We are women, and we are strong. Our hormones are a blessing, not a curse. Women were often not taught the importance and the power that comes with having a menstrual cycle. Understanding the basic foundations involved in our cycles and how to track them ourselves is empowering and can help identify where hormonal imbalances may be present. My Cycle Literacy Guide will be shared and reviewed in this protocol to better serve you. |

Stress Management for Hormone Support
We are beings that survive thanks to the help of hormones, hormones that are constantly shifting and adapting to the world we live in. Stress (physical or emotional) can greatly affect the way our hormones behave. Managing stress in healthy manners is a long-forgotten practice that needs to be addressed on a daily basis. Coping mechanisms and support are offered throughout care. |

Lifestyle Foundations for Healthy Hormones
We know that food can affect our hormones, the same can be said about our lifestyle choices. How we choose to spend our time and where we put our energy can either support our hormones in a healthy way or it can cause dysregulation, making us feel tired, sluggish, uncomfortable, and, depressed even. Talking about and addressing our lifestyle choices is tied into this protocol to help being balance back into every aspect of our lives. |

Happy Hormones Education
We have a pretty good understanding of what it takes to help keep hormones balanced. Part of the process involved in helping us make long-lasting changes to our diet and lifestyle includes taking the time to understand the role hormones play in our body. An easy-to-follow, fun and educational healthy hormones module is included to help you along your journey. Diving into why and how our bodies may react to certain external factors can help anchor in our healing diet and lifestyle habits. |

Give Me a call!
Set up a FREE discovery call to discuss your health needs and to see if we will be a good match. Here, we will review what steps may be needed to move forward before meeting in-person or virtually.

Initial Appointment
In this step, we will review your health history, dietary and lifestyle habits. Diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations will be sent to you in a detailed report following your appointment.
Frequency and length of time working together varies based on the present state of your hormones. Time spent together can be anywhere between 3-6+ months. Are you ready to dive in?

Why Work With Me To Support Hormone Balancing?
- I have had a long history of hormonal imbalances and menstrual irregularities including cramping, heaviness, PMS and more… I have since gotten that under control and know it’s possible for you, too! I see it with my clients regularly.
- I am by your side through this journey, answering all your hormone related questions!
- I take the time to listen to your history and discomforts. I understand that your symptoms are guiding light to your underlying problems. These help us pinpoint what extra support you may need for hormone balancing.
- I understand the importance of balancing hormones and I take the time to explain it to you so you can actively participate in your healing journey.
- I work by your side to find a way of eating that works for you, that will help you support your hormones and help you feel amazing! No one diet is going to be your answer as no two people are the same.
Additional Services
Check out these other services to see if they’re the right fit for you!
Included are different length fertility packages, fertility workshops, session bundles and self-paced programs to help you navigate your fertility journey in a simple way and at your own pace.
1-Week Sugar Reset Self-Paced Program
3-Week Gut Reset Self-Paced Program
Diving into Nutrition & Digestion (access only to What's Good patients)
Hormone Balancing FAQ
What are the symptoms of hormonal imbalance?
Symptoms can present in many different ways when hormones are not in balance.
When it comes to the menstrual cycle, common (not normal) symptoms that can indicate hormone imbalances include: sever cramping, severe clotting, excessive bleeding, insuficient bleeding, tender breasts, severe body pains, severe mood swings, PMS, acne breakouts, hirsutism, insomnia and more…
If you have conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis or fibroids, you like deal with many of the above symptoms.
When symptoms present like this, taking action now can help prevent the further development of discomfort.
When hormonese are out of balance, you might experience things like unexplained weight gain or loss, depression, anxiety, higher than normal cholesterol levels, constipation, fatigue, changes in your heartbeat, reproductive issues and more.
When symptoms present and you’re unsure of it’s origin, it’s always wise to get assessed by a health professional. Simultaneously, there are many lifstyle and dietary changes you can implement to support hormone health. It’s an area I am passionate about, so let’s chat!
What is the fastest way to balance hormones?
The fastest way for balancing hormones is to start making simple diet and lifestyle changes – today!
It’s important to understand that it can take time for hormones to become disregulated and depending on the severity of your situation, it can take time to revert back to a balanced state.
I know it’s not exactly the answer you want to hear, but it’s the truth.
Start today, start slow and stay on track. You got this.
For support in guiding you through all of the intricacies surrounding hormone balancing, let’s schedule a call to chat all things hormones!
How long does it take to balance hormones naturally?
Balancing hormones naturally can take time, it depends on how long you’ve had those imbalances, what is causing them and how quickly your body responds to changes.
Some people will catch imbalances quickly and can have them resolved in a few months. Others require deeper healing and it can take upwards of a year or longer.
There are many routes to explore and many ways in which you can support yourself. The most important question here is:
Are you ready to dive in?
How can I check if my hormones are balanced?
One way to know if hormones are off is based on how you feel. Typically speaking, before you even go in for labs, you will sense that something is off. This is your first clue into addressing these imbalances!
Next up would be to assess through blood work – labs that would be requested by your doctor. These results can give a broad idea of where hormone imbalances may be present. It also gives us a good idea of where to put more of our time, money and energy!
Another route you can take is to do a dutch test – a test I typically wouldn’t recommend to start with because we can start working on (and changing!) your hormone status before the test even comes back. Since hormones are always in flux, we start with the basics – if imbalances are still suspected, it may be worth going down that route to pinpoint where we might be stuck.
So, how do you feel? Ready to chat?