Fertility Nutrition Services in Ontario
Fertility Packages
Four or six month fertility packages available for women and men.
Each package is personalized to your individual needs and are designed to help increase your chances of bringing home and healthy baby while fully supporting you along the way.
A healthy baby starts with a healthy parent
Are you ready to take on the task?
Monthly investment of $300-350
*discount applicable for upfront payments
Nutrition Package
This 6 week package includes a comprehensive fertility intake, a report of findings and two thirty minute follow-up appointments. A detailed report is put together and presented.
Monthly investment of $400-530
*discount applicable for upfront payments
Fertility Packages Include
Online or in-person appointments
Detailed history intake (live cell analysis if applicable)
Blood work review
Report of findings
7-day self-paced kick starter program
FAM and cycle literacy training
Unlimited online support during business hours
Diet and lifestyle suggestions and reviews
Meal plans with recipes
Custom supplement recommendations and reviews
Accountability check-ins
Education on healthy food and grocery alternatives and food label identification
* Live Blood Analysis is available if you are local to Hamilton, Oakville, Burlington, Ancaster, Mississauga, Ontario.
Supporting you every step of the way

Female Fertility Support:
making healthy babies from start to finish
This is a whole body, holistic and natural approach for a fertile body and mind.
Helping women and men find health, confidence and strength in their fertility and in their body.
Fertility Nutrition Services for every step of the way
Female Fertility & Male Fertility is a sign of good health
Whether or not you’re trying to conceive, it’s a good idea to get any menstrual irregularities in check so that we’re not only helping you feel good in your own body all month long, but also to help you thrive! Taking action today to balance hormones helps set the tone for your future, and that of future generations.
Female fertility includes having regular menstrual cycles, cycles that are barely noticeable (yes, it’s possible!) and ovulating regularly. When imbalances are present in any way, shape, or form, your menstrual cycle will act as a report card – so-to-speak. Intense cramping and pains, heavy bleeds and quick changing moods can all be a sign that you’re experiencing hormone imbalances and that some work may be needed to correct this.
Male fertility represents the males ability to create healthy, strong sperm and DNA. It takes 3 months to produce healthy sperm, so doing everything you can to support the healthy maturation of sperm is in your best interest.
This is why I believe that one of the missing pieces of pregnancy prep is to prepare the body prior to conception. It not only supports fertility, but also pregnancy and our post partum experiences.
Fertility Nutrition Appointment Overview
Initial Nutrition Consultations include a 1 hour “meet and greet” where we will discuss your overall goals, your health history, fertility history and goals, your current eating habits, your bowel health and so much more. A live cell analysis will be performed to see the current state of your cells. This important stage of care will enable us to create a plan that is specifically tailored for you and your body’s needs.
Report of Findings involve a 45-minute appointment where I fully present my tailored care plan and all supporting documents moving forward. This includes the steps I recommend moving forward to support your health goals, including steps to start implementing right away.
Nutrition, Fertility and Lifestyle Consultation follow-ups are scheduled every 1-2 weeks for the first month to help with the transitional phase. Follow-ups will be scheduled on a monthly basis following this phase for additional support and guidance.
Live Blood Analysis gives us a clear image of your current and passed state of health. It is analyzed at the start of care, and again 2-4 months later to see how we have progressed. These appointments apply if you live near me as they must be done in-person.
It is my belief and understanding that everything is connected, it is for that reason that each appointment is designed to help educate and give you the tools necessary to guide and support you through your life’s journey.

I want you to shine through and through
I want to help you feel your best throughout your fertility journey – from start to finish.
I do this by working with:
– optimizing nutrition and lifestyle to support fertility: laying the foundations for yourself and your babe
– guiding you through each phase of fertility & pregnancy (and weeding out the nonsense)
– helping you understand when a woman is most fertile
– and so much more.
Setting the foundations prior to conception helps set us up for a better pregnancy, birth and post-partum experience.
I want for you, to achieve your fertility and pregnancy goals, and trust me mama, I have faith in your ability to conceive.
Do you trust in yourself? Are you willing to put in the work? It’s not always easy and that’s ok – it’s all part of the experience. Are you ready?
Fertility Nutrition FAQ
What Should I Eat During Pregnancy?
At the end of the day, the best thing you can do for yourself is to ensure that you are feeling good before you even become pregnant! During pregnancy, the foods you want to aim to eat are going to be nutritious for both you and baby. Making sure you are eating enough protein, fat and complex carbohydrates to fuel the needs of your own body and the development of your baby. The other key factor in fueling your body during pregnancy is to make sure you are in fact digesting those foods adequately so that you can absorb and use them. Knowing which foods work well for you and which ones do not can also help support you through your pregnancy.
How Can I Increase My Fertility With Nutrition?
To increase fertility, some of the steps one might take would include eating more foods that are better serving to us. Sometimes that means eating more (most people eat too little), increasing the consumption of whole, real foods that are rich in nutrients and making sure these nutrients are being digested and absorbed.
The first thing I recommend to all my clients, whether working with them to support fertility, support pregnancy and support their future health, is to remove heavily processed seed oils, concentrate on eating well sourced animal proteins and reducing their sugar intake.
What Are Your Favorite Foods For Fertility?
Simply put, my favorite fertility friendly foods include well sourced animal products (especially beef), beef liver, oysters, tropical fruit, nuts and seeds (in moderation) and raw dairy (if tolerated). At the end of the day, the best foods to eat are the ones that have the most amount of bioavailable nutrients to support body functions.
One thing worth mentioning here is that fat, nor sugar are the enemy – they are necessary to all body functions and should not be restricted. Instead, we should find quality sources and eat what works best for our body.
When Should I Start Supporting My Fertility?
I believe that it’s worth your time to start preparing for fertility the moment the thought enters your head. Both men and women play their part in fertility, so it’s important for both sexes to put in the work – to prepare their bodies for the growth and development of their offspring.
Ovum (eggs) takes approximately 3 months to mature. The ovum contains half the babies DNA and it’ is the powerhouse for your baby’s placenta for the first 3 months of life.
Sperm has the responsibility of carrying that other half of DNA into the ovum and it has been shown to be what helps create part of the baby’s placenta. It also takes approximately 3 months for sperm to mature!
All this to say – I always suggest an absolute minimum of 3 months to prepare for pregnancy. Three months to support fertility. Ideally, I would have my clients take longer to address other digestive or systemic issues one might be experiencing in this very toxic world.
Can I Track My Fertile Window Myself?
You can absolutely track your fertile window. You are fertile for about 5-7 days out of each month, and by regularly tracking your cycles and your body’s physiological cues, you can learn to predict when your ovulation window will be. While apps can be helpful, I think it’s more helpful to tune into your own body and pay attention to what your cycle may be telling you! These are part of the discussions we will regularly have while working together as well (:
Can Hormone Imbalances Affect My Fertility?
Your fertility can be affected by your hormones, yes. Hormones have a very big role in how our menstrual cycle carries out, hormones play a role in blood sugar management and the potential development of undesirable conditions. When hormones are imbalanced, it can truly cause a cascade of unfortunate events – but that’s not to say that nothing can be done about it. In fact, there are many things that can be done to help balance hormones naturally. Addressing physical and emotional stressors is both excellent ways to bring hormones back into balance, and that can be done in a multitude of different ways. That may look like eating nutrient dense foods, avoiding all forms of chemicals, breathing in some fresh air, moving the body, finding time to rest and relax, finding healthy coping skills to emotional stressors, and so much more!
I'm Not Ovulating, Can I Get Pregnant?
You cannot get pregnant if you are not ovulating, period. If you are currently in your menstruating years and you are in a position where you are not ovulating – it’s time to get your hormones back on track so that you can ovulate again!
Ovulation is that time of month where your egg is released from your ovaries. If sperm is present, it has the potential to fertilize that egg and this is how you would get pregnant. Many women do not ovulate every month which could absolutely make it tricky to get pregnant, especially because it’s hard to predict when the next one would be… Just know that it is possible to bring ovulation back into the equation and you can do it! It may just take a little time getting things balanced again through proper nutrition and lifestyle activities.
Can I Get Pregnant If I Don't Have A Period?
Contrary to the previous question, you can definitely get pregnant if you don’t have a period!
To get pregnant, you must ovulate. Ovulation comes before menstruation (the bleeding period of your cycle) It is possible to get pregnant without having had a period like in cases where a teenage has intercourse for the first time without a bleed or a postpartum mom who hasn’t seen her period come back yet. It is also sometimes possible for ovulation to occur without having a period or having a delayed period…
So yes, it is possible to get pregnant without a period – and this is why it’s important to track your cycle, to understand your body and to get your hormones and eating habits in order so you can support your body is all of its functions!
Do My Irregular Periods Mean I Can't Get Pregnant?
It is still possible to get pregnant with irregular periods. There are a few different reasons why this may be your current situation, but it does not mean that you are doomed to be infertile.
First, it’s important to address what “irregular” means to you. Is it that you have a longer or shorter cycle than average? Are they regularly “irregular” or does it fluctuate a lot? Are your bleeds excessively heavy or light? Are you ovulating? Are you skipping ovulation?
Once we determine what’s going on with your cycle, there are many steps that can be taken to get things back into a normal flow. What I do to help with irregular periods is to look at balancing blood sugar levels, balancing hormones, addressing stressors and making sure we’re eating enough of the right foods for our bodies. It’s amazing to see how much all these can impact our menstrual cycles – I’ve lived through it, too!
Why Are Fertility Issues So Prevalent?
Fertility issues seem to be becoming more and more common – I think it’s an issue we’re seeing a lot more in both women and men. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that we live in a very stressful and toxic world, a world that our bodies are simply having a hard time keeping up with.
Our bodies are brilliantly designed to be able to filter out waste and toxins, but I think somewhere along the line, our bodies have become a little rundown.
For the most part, we live in a world where we are constantly on the go, eating foods that may not be ideal for our health, bombarded by stressors, disconnected from nature and from self! We live indoors, breathe polluted air and don’t move our bodies nearly as much as we should…
This may seem dramatic, but it’s the truth.
What’s nice about knowing all of this? While it may seem like most of this is out of out control, I beg to differ. We can control SO many of the above-mentioned variables.
If you start by picking just one of these areas and making small changes today, you are going to do yourself a great service.
You can control your health and your future health by making better choices starting today.
What are you waiting for?