Live blood analysis tells a story, similar in the way symptoms do.
Symptoms are our bodies way of communicating its needs with us. Typically, they appear once the body has been in a state of imbalance for a period of time and it’s finally had enough so it’s showing you a physical sign of distress prior to a more prominent state of dis-ease presenting itself.
Stress. It’s everywhere, and it comes in many different forms. Live blood tests to see where there may be stress and how it may be presenting in your tissues. If you were ever curious to see how things are looking inside your blood (and not just in the form of numbers on a lab report), this is a wonderful way to see it for yourself!
Whether you’re simply looking for a little extra motivation to stick to a new diet, you’re wanting to prepare your body for optimal fertility, you’re experiencing menstrual irregularities and infertility or you need some help figuring out just what the heck is going on with your digestive system, live blood analysis is a wonderful took that can be used to support you on your journey.
What is live blood analysis, anyway?
Live blood analysis is a wonderful non-diagnostic tool that is used to dive in a little deeper, see what’s going on in your cells, tissues and organs. When imbalances are found internally, there are certain images or patterns that may present in a blood sample that can indicate distress in the body. With the information obtained from a small drop of blood, it can help paint a picture into the state of your health and what direction it may be headed. It can help guide you onto the right path, bring you back into a state of homeostasis – balance. When I am working with clients (for fertility support or digestive & nutrition support), I like to use this practice to help build a highly individualized healing and balancing protocol.
Our bodies are beautiful machines that are capable of functioning really well when there are few interferences. Live blood analysis helps us find anomalies that lie within, where there may be blockages so we can help them move freely again!
Your blood doesn’t lie, and neither does your body. Keep reading to see what we most commonly see and what it may say about your health.
How is live blood analysis done?
Live blood analysis appointments must be done in person – a small sample of blood is taken from your fingertip with the help of a lancet and it is immediately put onto a slide and is analyzed with you present in the room. A live blood sample is taken as well as a dry blood sample.
Shared on a screen for you to see, your sample is reviewed and recommendations are made based on the pictures we see.
What can a live blood analysis tell you?
Simply put, live blood analysis has the ability to show us a real-time image of our overall health!
Live blood analysis helps us observe the shape, integrity and flexibility of your red blood cells
Live blood gives us the ability to watch as your white blood cells hard at work and roam across the slide as it hunts for foreign bodies (or maybe a little sluggish from over working!)
Through live blood analysis, we can see the development of platelet, the presence of pseudo-crystals, the absence of free-flowing blood.
We can view the terrain shift as bacterial forms move around and shift before our eyes.
We get a birds-eye-view of the current and past state of your health, and where it has the potential to head should things be left alone.
Live blood analysis helps us connect a little more to our inner-workings. This is you, your truest and most bare self, displayed on a screen for you to watch and learn from.
Can live blood analysis detect parasites?
Live blood analysis is a non-diagnostic tool, therefore one cannot specifically detect parasites in the blood.
What can be seen, however, are signs of parasitic activity in the tissues or organs. What may be seen are little ameba floating around, in transit. The live blood test cannot determine exactly what has been found, but it can determine whether they may be present or not. Specific testing outside of live blood analysis would need to be conducted if you wanted a more accurate identification.
Regardless, with the knowledge of possible parasitic presence, there are certain foods and supplements that can be taken to help move these little pests out of the body naturally. These are things we discuss in more detail when working together on a nutrition plan. One of the practices that typically help with this also includes making changes to your diet to make your body inhospitable to those little creepy crawlers! Sounds like fun, right?
Is live blood analysis worth it?
Is live blood analysis worth it for you? Well, that depends on whether or not you find value in physically being involved in your healing journey and if you’re open to seeing what your blood has to say about your health.
That’s the beauty of live blood analysis, you get to physically see how your body is behaving with your own eyes! It’s a wonderful way to bring awareness to yourself and if you’re monitoring as your work through healing, nutritional protocols, you can see how things progress and improve over time!

Most common thing seen in a live blood analysis
Generally speaking, live blood analysis tends to show a lot of issues with the digestive system. It can be seen when there is difficulty breaking down fat, carbohydrates or protein. Signs of toxicity or inflammation in the bowels show up often as well.
Another condition that presents its self frequently is congestion. Congestion is displayed when images of pseudo-crystals appear, digestive issues as listed above or even the quick development of fibrin and platelets. While it is true that congestion can appear in a variety of different ways, it is also true that the congestion or stagnation is taking place in different areas of the body. This is where it’s important that we do a detailed history to get the whole picture, so we can get to the root of the areas that are running slowly so we can take the steps needed to remove any blockages and allow out bodies and minds to thrive. The pictures that have been shared above are examples of what we ideally wouldn’t want to see in our blood!
When we are seeing images with large Fibro Thallus’ and other advanced bacterial forms according to the pleomorphic scale, we know that the body is out of sync, that digestion is less than ideal, that we are in the state of deficit.
Taking the necessary steps to remove these from our systems helps to remove internal and external stressors that are around us in abundance. When the body is stressed, the body has a hard time keeping up with basic functional needs, including detoxification. When the body is out of balance for long periods of time, it gives bacterial and parasitic forms the ability to proliferate and cause further harm to our bodies.
On the other side of the spectrum… when we are mentally and physically fit, when all systems are a go and are actively in sync, they work harmoniously to keep our systems in tip-top shape. When our organs, lymph, fascia are moving without interference, our bodies can focus on giving us all the attention and energy it needs to thrive and ward off all foreign invaders.
So wether you are looking to figure out how to increase female fertility (or male fertility, this is just as important!), how to improve heart health, how to support digestion, how to balance hormones and support imbalances that are present in endometriosis, PCOS or infertility, know that there are many ways in which you can help yourself – and live blood analysis gives us a good picture as to what direction may be best to start with.
Excellent lifestyle changes that can help you find internal balance include making the necessary dietary changes to support healthy living, moving your body regularly, sweating, seeking help from a qualified professional to help move your lymph, fascia and musculoskeletal system like an osteopath! If you’re not sure where to start with your nutrition and lifestyle changes, I have a nutrition package available to help you get started, or you can dive deeper into a more intensive nutrition care plan (whether you’re trying to conceive or not).
If you’re looking for support on your fertility journey, live blood analysis paired with nutrition support can be a great place for you to start. Check out my post on how to prepare for birth, a practical guide to help you get started on your own!
No matter what you choose to do, taking action today will help you with a better tomorrow. Even if that looks like adding a 15 minute walk to your daily routine.
If you’ve read through this to the end and still have questions, I’d be happy to assist! You can schedule a free discovery call to chat, or send me an email, anytime!
Happy healing and happy discoveries <3
your fertility nutritionist.
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