Finally ditch your stomach problems with this digestive healing protocol. Combining the power of proper nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle habits to get you feeling your best.
Things are done a little bit differently when you’re working with a small, local business like vive life
We take the time to get to know your wants and needs with a detailed intake and personable care throughout.
We communicate regularly to help keep you on track, help keep you motivated and help keep you accountable.
We take the time to understand what step of healing we are working on to make sure we can make sustainable changes.
What’s Involved In The Digestive Healing Protocol?
Nutritious diet to support healthy digestion
Balanced movement for gut health
Supplements to support digestion
Supporting digestion by reducing toxicity
Lifestyle foundations for digestion
Gut-brain connection education

Nutritious Diet To Support Healthy Digestion
We understand the importance certain foods have on the digestive tract and will work closely with you to find nutritious and delicious foods to help support digestion. Supporting healthy digestion may require making changes to your diet. Working together, we will determine which foods work for you, and which ones don’t! We will help resolve your discomforts, whether it be gas, heartburn, bloating, cramping, constipation, the runs, or other digestive pains. When we support digestion, we can stop feeling uncomfortable and start to feel our best! |

Balanced Movements for Gut Health
We know that the digestive tract is constantly moving (contracting and relaxing) to help pass food and waste through our bodies. While the digestive tract does this on its own, it also relies on our own physical movements to make it move well. We will discuss how balanced movement can support gut health and simple exercises that can be used to support digestion will be shared throughout care. |

Supplements to Support Digestion
We absorb protein, carbohydrates, fat, most of our vitamins, minerals, water and so much more through our digestive tract. When experiencing digestive issues, it may be worth using supplementation to replenish what we’re missing when we can’t get it from the foods we’re eating. Supplementing can in turn have the ability to help reduce irritation and support digestion, helping us feel better and heal! |

Supporting Digestion by Reducing Toxicity
We live in a world that exposes us to many different types of toxins, toxins that pose a risk to our health and can affect our bowel health, too. In addition, chemicals, molds, yeasts, heavy metals and certain foods can interfere with how our bowels function. An important aspect to healing our gut looks like identifying sources of toxicity, taking steps to reduce or remove them and doing what we can do to support detoxification. |

Lifestyle Foundations to Support Digestion
We recognize that diet can cause digestive upset while also being able to heal our gut and make us feel good. The same can be said for our lifestyle choices: lifestyle can hinder our digestion; it can also help us heal! A large part of our time together will include discussions on how things like sun exposure, proper sleep and how igniting our passions can bring us back into balance. |

The Gut-Brain Connection
We are born with a very strong connection between our gut-brain. Because the nervous system connects the digestive tract and the brain, especially through the vagus nerve, we need to focus on finding balance between the two. Balance through the nervous system, the brain, our mind, has the capability to help soothe and keep our bowels happy. Addressing bowel imbalances can also have a healing and calming effect on our brain and nervous system! It’s a two-way system that is focused on during our time together. |

Give Me a call!
Set up a FREE discovery call to discuss your health needs and to see if we will be a good match. Here, we will review what steps may be needed to move forward before meeting in-person or virtually.

Initial Appointment
In this step, we will review your health history, dietary and lifestyle habits. Diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations will be sent to you in a detailed report following your appointment.
Frequency and length of time working together varies based on severity of digestive healing needs. Time spent together can be anywhere between 1-3+ months. Are you ready to dive in?

Why Work With Me To Support Digestion?
- I have experienced my fair share of digestive issues and I know there’s a way out. I’ve done it and seen it with all my clients.
- I am with you every step of the way, answering all your bowel related questions!
- I take the time to listen to your concerns and discomforts, every symptom is a sign that points us in the right direction to help support digestion.
- I understand the importance of healthy digestion and I take the time to explain it to you. Knowledge is power, friends!
- I work closely with you to find a diet that works for you, helps support digestion and helps you feel great! No one diet is going to be your answer as no two people are the same.
Additional Services
Check out these other services to see if they’re the right fit for you!
Included are different length fertility packages, fertility workshops, session bundles and self-paced programs to help you navigate your fertility journey in a simple way and at your own pace.
1-Week Sugar Reset Self-Paced Program
3-Week Gut Reset Self-Paced Program
Diving into Nutrition & Digestion (access only to What's Good patients)
Digestive Healing FAQ
How can I strengthen my digestive system?
The key to strengthening your digestive system is to focus on eating the foods that will nourish you while simultaneously reducing or removing the foods that may be causing harm.
More often than not, steps to be taken in the digestive healing protocol involve removing common and known allergens and putting an emphasis on nutrient dense foods.
Additionally, healthy digestion requires nervous system regulation as well – is this an area that needs improving for you as well? It may be worth investigating 🙂
What are the symptoms of a weak digestive system?
There are many symptoms that can present in the presence of a weak digestive system.
Some of the more obvious symptoms of digestive upset include gas, bloating, cramping, stomach pains, constipation, diarrhea (including bouncing between the two).
Some of the less obvious symptoms of bowel disregulation include eczema or other skin conditions, brain fog, fatigue, allergies, auto-immune conditions, hyperactivity and so much more.
When any of these symptoms are seen, it’s always wise to turn to the digestive tract and see if any healing is needed.
Why you shouldn't drink water when eating
An important way to further support digestion is to drink a minimal amount of water immediately before, during and after meals.
Adequate stomach acid is neccessary to help break down the foods we eat. Water and other beverages can lower the acidity in our stomach, making it harder for foods to breakdown, causing stomach discomforts and less-than-ideal conditions for healthy digestion.
So – keep your liquid intake to below 4 ounces when eating a large meals!
Can I detox my gut?
Technically, you cannot detox your gut, that’s a role for your liver and kidneys! What you can do, is focus on the proper elimination of foods through your gut!
Ways to support bowel cleansing involves: drinking water away from meals, hydrating adequately, moving your body regularly, having daily bowel movements, eating in a relaxed state, reducing the consumption of chemicals and toxicants, eating whole foods, avoiding refined sugars, avoiding processed oils and so much more!
There are many ways to do a “reset” if you feel called to doing so. The best defense, if you’re already practicing a healthy lifestyle, is to avoid needing to do a reset in the first place and implementing sustainable, lifestyle and dietary changes. This is where I come in, should you need the help!