647-390-7337 info@vivelife.ca
My name is Veronique Schaljo
I am woman, and I am strong
I am a goof who makes jokes when uncomfortable
I am an open book but I have my secrets
I am a wife and I am a mother
I am a sister and a daughter
I am curious and I like to seek answers
I am forever a student and I am an educator 

I am a holistic nutritionist
I believe in living a life of authenticity
I believe that you can achieve your goals
I believe in the innate power of the human body
I believe that health comes from the inside out
I believe that with hard work and perseverance we can all achieve a state of wellness

I am here to be a guiding hand
I am here to support you
I am here to answer your questions
And I am here to see you flourish

I look forward to connecting with you!

What is a Healthy Menstrual Cycle?

What is a Healthy Menstrual Cycle?

Olla beautiful women! Yes, I'm talking to you, whoever is reading this blog post. You're beautiful. Ladies, today we're talking all things menstrual cycles, menses, periods, your menstrual flow, that time of month... what ever you want to call it, it doesn't matter -...

When am I Most Fertile?

When am I Most Fertile?

So you've decided that you're ready to conceived, you're noticing all the signs of readiness and now you're wondering: "When am I most fertile?" Maybe you're wondering when you're most fertile with the hopes of avoiding pregnancy - either way you're in the right...

Signs You’re Ready to Have a Baby

Signs You’re Ready to Have a Baby

Spring is on its way and nature is starting to wake up after a nice long (or short, let's be honest, it was a mild winter) winter hibernation. If you're starting to feel a little more lively, a little more frisky and a little more flirty, it could be that, like your...