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How effective are birth control pills? Well, it depends on which one you’re using and why you’re hoping to use birth control pills. 

This is a loaded topic that every woman should know more about, and it’s something that I happily discuss with my female fertility, pregnancy and postpartum clients in Durham, as well as my virtual clients, serviced across Ontario! 

There are so many important topics to discuss in the realm of women’s health, hormone health and just general health and wellbeing. When consulting together, I dive into all of it – today, we’ll chat specifically about some of the most frequently asked questions tied to the birth control pill and what some of the other alternatives may be. Included in this discussion will be a little bit on the subject of cycle literacy – the idea of connecting to ones body and tracking your menses through signs and symptoms, what fun! Did you also know that the state of your period can affect your fertility? How cool is that?

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White pills - how effect are birth control pills

How effective are birth control pills?

Generally speaking, the birth control pill is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy if it is taken perfectly. For the birth control pill to be this effective for preventing pregnancy, you must never miss a dose and take it at the same time every day. 

If you’re taking birth control pills for reasons other than to prevent pregnancy, that depends entirely on why the symptom is presenting in the first place. I will touch on this a little later. The efficacy of the pill will depends on the root cause of your conditions. 

Can I get pregnant on birth control pill?

While your odds are slim, you absolutely can get pregnant while on the birth control pill! If you forget one dose in the month or if you take other medications or supplements that interfere with the hormonal birth control pill, you can absolutely get pregnant while taking the pill. While the pill is very effective at preventing pregnancy, it’s not fail-safe. This is why it’s often recommended that you use a few different methods of protection when trying to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Menstrual Cramps - How Effective Are Birth Control Pills?
Menstrual Cramps - How Effective Are Birth Control Pills 2

Will the birth control pill help with my acne, cramping or menopause?

If acne, cramping or menopause are caused by a hormonal imbalance, the birth control pill has the potential to help reduce those symptoms. While it can help reduce those discomforts, it doesn’t actually address the underlying issue – meaning you may need to keep taking the pill to manage your pain for a long time. The best course of action would be to work on balancing your hormones, making the necessary lifestyle and dietary changed to support healing, resulting in long term relief!

It may be hard to believe, but it is possible to balance without using synthetic medications. I can say with excitement that I have healed my own hormonal imbalances and I love working with women to help them find comfort, too! A great place to start is with this nutrition program to address digestive healing. It all starts in the gut, after all!

Does birth control pill affect fertility?

If you’re planning on becoming pregnancy in the near future, I would suggest waiting a minimum of 3 months before trying to conceive. The state of your fertility is affected by the overall state of your health and wellbeing. 

There are a few reasons why I recommend waiting 3 months, the first one being that the birth control pill is known to deplete the body of vital nutrients that are needed to support fertility, nutrients that should be replaced after coming off the pill.

Another thing to consider is that the pill is made of synthetic hormones, hormones that are being replaced and ultimately dysregulating your bodies natural hormonal cascade. It would be wise to give your body some time to find it’s natural flow again. Should you notice after 3 months that things are out of balance, it’s a sign that your hormones still need some TLC. I discuss this in more details in by Birth Control & Menstrual Cycle Workshop

Finally, it takes 3 months to develop a mature egg before it can be fertilized. Allowing the egg time to grow with less hormonal interference while also loading up on nutrients is the way to go – in my opinion.

A lot can be done in 3 months time, it’s generally how long my fertility nutrition program runs for!

Can I be on birth control forever?

That’s a conversation for you to have with your doctor, but I will share this little bit of information with you.

All medications have side effects, and if the pros outweigh the cons, then maybe this fine for you.

My personal opinion is that when you are substituting your body with the hormones it has the potential to produce naturally with something synthetic, you’re overriding your bodies natural functions. You can learn more about your bodies natural hormone functions by learning more about Cycle Literacy! Additionally, it would be wise to assess your mineral status to ensure you’re replenishing when needed. 

What is so wonderful about the world we live in, is that there are many non-hormonal and natural birth control methods at our disposal these days! I wish share some of those below, in no particular order.

Is the birth control pill better than condoms?

When it comes to preventing pregnancy, so long as there is no user error, birth control pill will be more effective than condoms.

The added benefit of the condom is that you do not need to think about taking a pill every day, it can protect against the spread of STDs and it does not contain any synthetic hormones. One thing to be mindful with condoms is what material is being used to make it, which chemicals may be used for lubricants and whether or not it is made with integrity.

At the end of the day, it depends entirely on what your goals are and how you plan to use it!

Is the birth control pill better than IUDs?

In terms of helping to prevent getting pregnant, IUDs are known to be quite effective. The failure rate of an IUD is about 1 in 100 women versus 9 in 100 women for perfect birth control pill use. 

Not all IUDs are created equally, some are hormonal, others use copper – both with different internal functions. A small T-shaped frame is inserted into the cervix and alters our internal chemistry. Some functions include: changing cervical mucus consistency, thinning the lining of the uterus and partially stopping ovulation.

Insertion can be tricky for some, but once inserted, an IUD does not need to be changed for about 3-6 years and you generally do not need to think about it. For the sake of “simplicity”, I’d say it’s probably the least “involved” method of contraception. Also worth mentioning, it does not stop the prevention of STDs, either. 

What natural forms of birth control exist?

There are many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy in a natural way, which does not include hormones like those present in birth control pills and some other forms of contraception. 

The most effective way which is 100% effective is abstinence. For those not looking for that as an answer, natural birth control methods include using ovulation prediction kits, the withdrawal method, the cervical mucus method, the calendar method. The use of condoms and having intercourse during a period of breastfeeding amenorrhea would also fall under this category.  

Now that you know what is out there, it’s up to you to do a little research into which form or forms best suit you and your needs. There are many natural birth control methods and many that are quite effective! This is actually something I talk about in my birth control workshop, as well! 

Do natural forms of birth control work?

Natural birth control works, if you fully commit to learning the art of your body, learning the subtle cues that come along and change through every season of your menstrual cycle. It looks like taking the time to tune into your body and connecting with it in a way that may not have been taught to you! One of the benefits of connect to your cycle is that if you are planning on trying to conceive, you will have the knowledge necessary to time sex accurately to conceive more effectively.  

When it comes to using natural forms of birth control, it may sometimes be worth using a few different methods together to enhance your odds at preventing pregnancy. While your odds of becoming pregnant using natural birth control methods are higher than say, taking the birth control pill, I think it’s worth looking at all your options before committing to altering your hormones.   

Which form of natural birth control do I prefer? 

First and foremost, it’s important to know that what works for me, doesn’t always work for others.

My preferred method of natural birth control includes the practice of cycle literacy in combination with condoms. I track my cycles and know when I’m ovulating, and therefore know which days out of the month I’m most likely fertilite and able to get pregnant! With that information, I can determine when the best time to use a secondary method of contraception may be useful. 

One of the added benefits of being cycle literate means that I am also able to determine when the best time would be for me to try to conceive should I wish to become pregnant! More on how to prepare for pregnancy on this blog post 🙂 

How effective are birth control pills and is it the right choice you?

Are birth control pills effective? Yes they are. Is it the right choice for you? That’s entirely up to you, my friend. 

When making any choices that have the ability to affect your present and future health, it’s always recommended that you look at the pros and cons of each option to help you make the best decision for yourself. 

If you are not sure which form of birth control is best for you, there are plenty of resources out there, including health professionals, who can help you!

One of the services I offer when working with clients includes an in depth conversation about your menstrual cycle, what a normal cycle should look like and how you can track it yourself for better outcomes! If you like to learn at your own pace, I have also prepared a wonderful document called “Cycle Literacy – comprehensive” where you’re given all the tools you need to manage a natural birth control method.

If you need hormone or menstrual cycle support and you’re not sure where to start, you can schedule a free discovery call to chat, or send me an email, anytime! For Oakville and West Grey locals, I can set up in-person appointments and for those in Ontario or Canada wide, virtual appointments can also be arranged.

Happy healing and happy discoveries <3

your fertility nutritionist

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